Info on the front cover

Hi, this is my first real blog on the website, besides the original generic stuff.  How to begin?

I thought that you might want to know about the image that represents The Empire on the front cover of the book, since I did not discuss that in the book.  In a way, Charles Darwin is at the center of The Empire as I describe it in the book.  So the image of The Empire has Darwin at the center, being guarded by two of his many protectors.  The image of Darwin comes from a well-known statue of him at London’s Natural History Museum.  The other images, and background are stock images from Getty Images.

I was originally going to kind of morph him to look like a hybrid with Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars, but then thought that might be too much.  The point is that there is an Empire, and the fact is that Darwin is sadly at the center in many ways.  As you read the book you will understand this.  The protectors include the scientific establishment, the education system, legacy media, most public and private museums, our courts and legal system, etc.  See Chapter 5, What is the Empire?

Of course, more broadly, the top half of the front cover shows images that will make people think of experimental science, for the most part.  (The second row is astrophotos that I have taken through the years, a bit less in that category, but I indulged myself.)  The text Loving Science appears above that section, meaning that I love real science.  By contrast, below the words But Not The Empire lies the composite with Darwin et al, representing the worldview of naturalism and the powerful establishment that now promotes it.

It’s the point of the book in a handful of images.  You can love science, but reject the highjacked version of science that is pushed by the secular world.  I hope that you will read my book and learn what that is all about.

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